Value of South African Antiques and Vintage Pieces – Buy and Sell

Value of South African Antiques and Vintage Pieces – Buy and Sell

Rare wines Value in South Africa

South Africa is well known for producing for rich and quality wines over the last couple of centuries. We have found some of the finest vintage wines in South Africa and placed a value based on research from the oldest wine farms. – Rare and Vintage Wine Value in South Africa

Chateau Libertas 750mm Red 1959 Value - Rare and Vintage Wine Value in South Africa - Rare and Vintage Wine Value in South Africa

Chateau Libertas Red 1959 Value

Dimensions 750ml

Date 1959

Estimated Value R20 000

Rare and Vintage Wine Value in South Africa

Chateau Libertas Red 1970 Value

Dimensions 750ml

Date 1970

Estimated Price per Bottle R4500

KWV Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml 1974 Value - Rare and Vintage Wine Value in South Africa

KWV Cabernet Sauvignon 1974 Value

Dimensions 750ml

Date 1974

Estimated Value R1000

KWV Roodeberg 1974 Value

KWV Roodeberg 1974 750ml Value

Dimension 750ml

Date 1974

Estimated Value R4500

KWV Tawny Ruby Port 1939 750ml Value - Rare and Vintage Wine Value in South Africa

KWV Tawny Ruby Port 1939 750ml Value

Dimensions 750ml

Date 1939

Estimated Value R10 000

KWV Tawny Port 1949 750ML Value

KWV Tawny Ruby Port 1949 750ML Value

Dimensions 750ml

Date 1949

Estimate Value R7500

Vintage Lanzerac Pinotage 1963 Value

Lanzerac Pinotage 1963 375ml Value

Dimensions 375ml

Date 1963

Estimated Value R2000

Rare Lanzerac Cabernet 1957 Value

Rare Lanzerac Cabernet 1957 750ml Value

Dimensions 750ml

Date 1957

Estimated Value R4500

Rare Lanzerac Pinotage 750ml 1959 Value

Lanzerac Pinotage 750ml 1959 Value

Dimensions 375ml

Date 1959

Estimate Value R4000

GS Cabernet 1966 750ml Value

Dimensions 750ml

Date 1966

Estimated Value R35 000

Vintage GS Cabernet 1968 750ml Value

Vintage GS Cabernet 1968 750ml Value

Dimensions 750ml

Date 1968

Estimate Value R22 000

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Rare and Vintage Wine Value in South Africa

Tags – rare wines in South Africa, Vintage Wines prices and value, Most rare wines in South Africa,

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